SPACE: Known/Unknown is a collaborative project between Lauren Emeritz & Sarah Matthews. They explore the universe of book arts using “space” as a metaphor and immerse themselves in the possibilities of letterpress and sculptural book techniques. SPACE: Known/Unknown incorporated hand-carved letters, Stars from Galileo’s “Sidereus Nuncius” (Starry Messenger), wood and metal type and printing blocks, to create a set of five prints. Three of the prints feature quotes: “Open a book, open the universe” -unknown; “We are made whole by books, as by great space and the stars” -Mary Carolyn Davies; and “The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -Neil deGrasse Tyson, while the other two prints are abstract compositions of letters and stars. The prints are printed on French Paper Pop-tone Black using transparent white, silver, yellow, and orange inks. Emeritz & Matthews used a Vandercook Universal 1 and Vandercook 4T to print 200 copies of each print; 1,000 prints total. SPACE: Known/Unknown then became a book art project.

Emeritz & Matthews folded, glued, sewed, foil-stamped, die-cut, and bound the prints to create a multitude of book structures, including: Flag Books, 1-page Accordion books, Star books, Sewn books, Japanese Stab books, Roll books, and fishbone books. Dimensions